Wholesale Services to Wedding Florists
Delivering to London, Kent, Essex, West Sussex, Surrey, East Sussex and throughout the South and South East
We are Passionate About Wedding Flowers
We share your passion of flowers and work hard to source the very best products from all over the world
Here to help you every step of the way
Creating wedding arrangements could possibly be the most stressful – but also one of the most rewarding – aspects of floristry for most florists. Tapping into our many years of experience we’re here to help you from start to finish. As you prepare your quote, we can advise you on prices and seasonal availability. When it comes to the ordering and delivery of your flowers, we’ll assist you in every way possible to ensure that the process is as stress-free and painless as possible.
Our services to make your life easier
Our aim is to connect you with the best flowers for the best price in the easiest and quickest way possible, so you can spend time growing your business
Online Ordering
Colour Matching Service
Set Prices
Deliveries to suit you
One to One Sales Support
Sundries to suit all styles
We’re here to help you get it right every time
As well as the usual range of flowers and foliage, we are proud suppliers of the beautiful ‘David Austin’ garden rose as well another range of deluxe garden roses which are perfect for wedding work. We also offer beautiful imported Hydrangeas all year round, perfect for when the Dutch grown Hydrangeas are unavailable.
Here is what our customers say about us.

Don’t forget that we sell Foliage too.
As well as flowers from around the globe – including UK grown ones when in season – we are delighted to offer a massive range of foliage which is perfect for wedding work. We can source a myriad of different ferns from the delicate Asparagus to the more robust Ming and everything in between, we provide lots of leaves including Cordyline, Leather, Croton, Aspidestra, Anthurium, Aralea and Calathea. If you’re looking for berries or grasses, decorative foliage or palms, we can supply it all.